Utkast: Hej hopp ...

Hej hopp och välkommen till min blogg :)

Jag har väl egentligen inte jättemycket att skriva idag :P haha.

Sitter i soffan och kollar ut i skogen. That's it typ. Lugn och fin söndag.. endast två fåglar som fått hjärnskakning genomatt flyga in i rutan hittils :P.

Senare blir det till att åka hem till mormor en sväng och sen till hästen :)

De är kallt som satan och det varnas för snöstorm..burr!
Nu blir de frulle!

Förövrigt så har jag och Fredrik 5månaders dag idag:) Älskar dig! Å ni! Idag är det faktiskt min o Fredriks 5månaders dag :) Älskar honom mest av allt <3

Dagens låt är helt klart: Amy McDonalds Mr. Rock'n Roll - Love it!!!


So called Mr Rock And Roll
Is dancing on his own again
Talking on his phone again
To someone who tells him that his balance is low
Hes got no where to go
Hes on his own again

Rock chick of the century
Is acting like she used to be
Dancing like theres no one there
Before she never seemed to care
Now she wouldnt dance
Its so rock and roll to alone

And theyll meet one day
Far way
Saying " Hey I wish I was something more"
And theyll meet one day
Far away
And say " Hey I wish I knew you, I wish I knew you before"

Mrs Black and White
Shes never seen a shade of grey
Always something on her mind
Every single day
But now shes lost her way
And where does she go from here

Mr Multicultural
Sees all that one can see
Hes living through someone
Very different ot me
But ow he wants to be free
Free so he can see

And theyll meet one day
Far way
Saying " Hey I wish I was something more"
And theyll meet one day
Far away
And say " Hey I wish I knew you, I wish I knew you before"

He says "I wish I knew you, I wish I met you
When time was still on my side"
She'll say " I wish I knew you, I wish I loved you
Before I was so bright"

And so they must depart
Too many more a broken heart
But I've seen that all before
In TV, books and film and more
And theres a happy ending
Every single day

And theyll meet one day
Far way
Saying " Hey I wish I was something more"
And theyll meet one day
Far away
And say " Hey I wish I knew you, I wish I knew you before"

Postat av: Johanna, DUS

Tjena! Kul att du har börjat blogga! Jag kommer helt klart bli en trogen läsare =)

2008-11-23 @ 18:13:01

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